
A field with a default value.
A required field.
clear (path?: string)void
Clears form errors associated with a specific path. If no path is provided, clears all form errors.
getErrors (path?: string)FormError[]
Retrieves form errors associated with a specific path. If no path is provided, returns all form errors.
setErrors (errors: FormError[], path?: string)void
Sets form errors for a given path. If no path is provided, overrides all errors.
A reference to the array containing validation errors. Use this to access or manipulate the error information.
  ::field{name="withDefault" type="boolean" defaultValue="true"}
  A field with a default value.
  ::field{name="requiredField" type="boolean" required}
  A required field.
  ::field{name="clear (path?: string)" type="void"}
  Clears form errors associated with a specific path. If no path is provided, clears all form errors.
  ::field{name="getErrors (path?: string)" type="FormError[]"}
  Retrieves form errors associated with a specific path. If no path is provided, returns all form errors.
  ::field{name="setErrors (errors: FormError[], path?: string)" type="void"}
  Sets form errors for a given path. If no path is provided, overrides all errors.
  ::field{name="errors" type="Ref<FormError[]>"}
  A reference to the array containing validation errors. Use this to access or manipulate the error information.